
Get email notification of new videos from YouTube channel

You have subscribed to a YouTube channel and You want to get email notification when channel upload video. Unfortunately, YouTube will not notify you of channel’s posting any new videos unless you request to be notified by email.

This tutorial will explains what you need to get these email notifications, so you can stay in tune with these subscriptions.

Step 1: Login to YouTube

Visit the YouTube homepage in your web browser then login to your account, if you haven’t already done so.

Step 2: Go to a YouTube channel’s video

Locate the video of certain YouTube channel you’d like to get the notifications of, in any way you can obtain it. Ex: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZ5m4Xc7Ggw

Step 3: Setting email notification

Make sure you are subscribed to that channel. If not, please click click red “Subscribe button” for subscribing to channel on YouTube.

Click on the Gears icon at the right of the “Subscribed button”.

Monitor the YouTube Channel for interesting new video

You’ll see the Subscription preferences dialog box pop-up.

Click the choice “Send me updates” in the dialog box that pops up.

YouTube Subscription preferences pop-up

Then Click the Save button to save your job.

Done! From now, You will notified by email whenever the channel upload new video.

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