
Change voice on Telegram

Telegram, along with Discord, Twitch or Skype, has become one of the most popular VoIP chat clients nowadays. Telegram has over 300 million active users worldwide and the number is still growing. If you are reading these words, you might also a user of this cloud-based messaging service. So, you prefer Telegram for its secure end-to-end encryption algorithm? Or for the ease of use and convenient communication experience it brings?

An extra reason to spend more time on Telegram is that it’s now possible to integrate the advanced modification technology of AV Voice Changer Software Diamond 9.5 (VCSD 9.5) to Telegram voice and video calls. Start a secret call and surprise your friend with your strange voice, it’ll be fun!

Step 1: Prepare your voice with VCSD 9.5

Go to VCSD 9.5’s main panel, choose the morphing effects and make adjustments until you are satisfied with your vocal output. There are several ways to change your voice, including voice morphing and audio effects.

» You should read this guide for more in-depth information: How to use Voice Morpher in VCSD 9.5

Step 2: Configure audio settings of Telegram

From now on, VCSD 9.5 will serve as the main microphone in Telegram and your voice will be auto morphed.

Step 3: Start calling on Telegram with new voices

Now you can start a call and surprise your friends on Telegram with your new voice.

Note: Please notice that as long as VCSD 9.5 is ON, the morphing effects will be applied to your voice automatically. To be back to normal instantly, you will just need to turn the voice changer software off.