
Giveaway: Secure-PDF Professional Edition – Free Download

Secure-PDF is a comprehensive security toolkit designed for PDF files, offering features such as encryption and digital signing. PDF, a globally utilized format for distributing visually enhanced documents, benefits from this versatile security solution.

Link download full version

Link 1 — Link 2 — Link 3

How to get Free License giveaway
Secure-PDF Professional Edition

Follow these steps to download, install, and register Secure-PDF Professional Edition:

  1. To download and install Secure-PDF Professional Edition on your PC, click the download link provided above.
  2. Visit the page below and fill out the form, then click SUBMIT. Check your email inbox for an email with the subject “Your ASCOMP software registration”.
  3. Check your email inbox for a message with the subject “Your ASCOMP software registration.”
  4. Open the email and click on the confirmation link provided.
  5. Once confirmed, check your email again for a second message containing your Customer ID and Password.
  6. Copy and paste the Customer ID into the software activation dialog.
  7. Click on “DOWNLOAD FULL VERSION” and wait for a brief period (up to a minute).

If the registration is successful, the software will automatically download and update to the full version and enjoy using the fully activated Secure-PDF Professional Edition!

You have to install it before the Giveaway offer for the software is over. 
Learn about our best-selling, comprehensive collection of security tools designed specifically for PDF files, as well as our special offers!

Troubleshooting Registration Problems

If you encounter any problems with the registration process during the iVoicesoft Giveaway, please take into account the following:

  1. Some giveaways require running software as an administrator for proper registration.
  2. Double-check provided registration details; use specified email/username if provided.
  3. Follow registration directions precisely; some software may require account activation.
  4. Restart the program after registration and check for any email confirmations.
  5. Check spam folder for developer emails; consider using a different email address.
  6. Troubleshoot license key errors by typing accurately, copy-pasting, removing spaces, restarting the program, ensuring internet connection, updating computer clock, and checking program messages.
  7. If issues persist, seek help in the forum or contact the developer directly.