
Giveaway: MG Office Home

MG Office Home serves as a viable alternative to MS Office, featuring a sophisticated word processor, a spreadsheet editor, and a PDF reader. The MG Editor empowers users to generate or edit a variety of document formats such as doc, docx, odt, epub, rtf, and pdf. It allows users to create tables, insert images, and more. Additionally, MG Spreadsheet facilitates the creation and modification of spreadsheets and Excel files.

Link download

Link 1

Link 2

Link 3

Discover how to obtain a free license giveaway for MG Office Home!

Unzip the package you’ve downloaded and install the software by running Setup.exe, then register the software using the registration key provided.

Registration key:

Run the program => Chose one of the modules => fill in the pop-up registration form => Activate Online.

Installation and activation must be completed before the expiration of the software’s giveaway offer.

Uncover exclusive deals now! Elevate your document processing with precision and efficiency. Check out our special offers today!

Terms and conditions

Kindly be aware that the software you download and install during the iVoicesoft Giveaway period is subject to the following significant limitations:

  1. No free upgrades to future versions
  2. Strictly non-commercial usage
  3. No free technical support