
Create inspiring page turning books with Flip PDF Professional

Flip PDF Professional is a powerful feature-rich flip book maker with page edit function. With Flip PDF Professional, you are able to create inspiring page turning books to display smoothly on iPad, iPhone, Android devices and desktop. Get started with hundreds of stunning pre-designed templates, fully customize your digital brochure or catalog with interactive effect by adding multi-media like YouTube video, image and hyperlink in the drag-and-drop interface simply, everyone can generate impressive flip books easily.

Step 1: Create A New Project

Launch the Flip PDF Professional Program, click “Create New” button, then click “Browse..” to slect a PDF document from your computer. You can also import images to create a photo book in Flip PDF Pro.

Step 2: Customize your own flipbook

In the “Template Design” interface, you can design your flipbook with built-in template, theme, background, animated scene, assistant, plugin. Besides, in “Design Setting” tab, you can customize your flipbook with various of custom settings such as logo, interface language, social share.

Step 3: Enrich flipbook with videos, audios, images and links

The powerful “Page Editor” in Flip PDF Pro enables publisher enrich flipbooks with video (including YouTube & Vimeo video), audio, images, links, text, shape, button, printable area, etc., which makes your page flipping ebook more gorgeous and attractive.

Step 4: Publish flipbook in different formats

Flip PDF Pro provides multiple output formats for you, including html, exe, zip, Mac app, mobile version and burn to CD. You can publish a flipbook to online host and share it with readers online too.